Im Sommer 2022 ist Florian Stern für den renommierten österreichischen Theaterpreis, den goldenen Schikaneder als beste Hauptrolle nominiert. Seine Interpretation des Sandy in der mystischen Kammeroper Der Leuchtturm von Peter Maxwell Davies, eine Produktion des Tiroler Landestheater, wurde von der Presse gelobt und vom Publikum begeistert aufgenommen.
Weitere Erfolge feierte er als Herodes in der Neuinszenierung von Richard Strauss Salome und Walter in der vielgepriesenen Neuproduktion von Mieczysław Weinberg Die Passagierin.
Florian Stern studierte diplomqualifiziert in Zürich Gesang bei Scott Weir und Werner Güra. Nach seinem Studium verkörperte er zahlreiche Rollen am Tiroler Landestheater und konnte so seine stimmliche Vielfalt, seine Wandlungsfähigkeit und schauspielerisches Talent unter Beweis stellen. Er ist dort Ensemblemitglied seit 2012.
Der deutsche Tenor wurde in Berlin geboren.
(Jan 2023)
(Dezember 2022)
2021 November, Roberto Devereaux - Cadogan Hall, London
The extremely strong cast was headed by Eleazar Rodriguez who, time and again, made his experience in the title role tell. His tenor was possessed of both warmth and a sense of lightness so that he could make his lines feel both pure and expansive, while his relatively low notes were possessed of considerable depth. He has played the part in fully staged productions, but here succeeded in adjusting his acting style so that his many arm gestures suited the concert setup. Sam Smith,
Alongside her as Essex, Eleazar Rodriguez, had only joined the cast a few days before, but their chemistry was excellent; and he, in turn, delivered his bravura moments with aplomb and his episodes of melancholy, especially in the prison scene, with plausible intensity.
Whilst the singers performed from scores, they were standing and made the relevant entrances and exits. Both Helena Dix and Eleazar Rodriguez had performed their roles on stage, and this showed. The two developed a strong interaction in all their scenes and this spilt over into the other singers, so this was a very dramatic concert performance, and all the better for it.
Like many tenors in 19th-century opera, Roberto is a bit of a prat and his actions in the opera (acquiring an incriminating scarf from his beloved Sara and giving her a ring which his life depends on) are on a par with his (historical) actions in Ireland which he is on trial for. Rodriguez has a fine, robust tenor which all the necessary combinations of power and flexibility. He made Roberto sympathetic and had us rooting for him. Whilst he has two double arias (both cavatina plus cabaletta), he also has a duet with Sara and a trio with Elisabetta and Nottingham and it is here, plus in the terrific scene with Elisabetta in Act One, that we really feel Roberto's character develop, and here both Dix and Rodriguez struck sparks off each other in a vivid manner in all their dialogues, really making Donizetti's accompanied recitatives crackle. And there was a similar intensity in Rodriguez scenes with Catherine Carby's Sara. His final scene, in prison, was the moment to shine and Rodriguez sang with real conviction, style and dramatic intensity.
Joining at late notice, the tenor Eleazar Rodríguez more than proved himself in the title role — nowhere more so than in Devereux’s heartfelt soliloquy when awaiting his fate at the Tower of London. Rebecca Franks, The Times
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